Danny and Emily

Danny and Emily

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Catching Up...

SO, I need to get better at this blogging thing. I always take forever to write new post! 

Life is great. I am now almost 36 weeks pregnant! I can not believe it. I have to say, time has flown by and in just a couple weeks or so we will be able to meet Baby Rowen. He moves around so much. He is getting so big in there! He is about 6lb, and 20 inches long! Every Ultrasound I have he always has one hand propped up behind is head, like he is just kickin back and enjoying life in the womb. He also gets the hiccups a lot. I used to be able just to feel it, but now I can see is little chest move when he gets them. It is so amazing to know he is in there and almost ready to come out. What a little miracle. 

I am still working and teaching riding lessons, and yes, I have to confess...I still ride my horse. Just doing very basic stuff. I trust my horse, Corey, and know him very well, so I feel safe riding him. The doctor actually said it is good for me and will help prepare my body for labor. I love going out and being around the horses and riding, I think if I didn't I would go a little stir crazy, plus it keeps me active. I do miss doing horse shows though. I have had my friend, Savannah, showing Corey for me. He has done 2 jumper shows (including one at Gunstock Ranch that I hosted. It was the first ever jumper show there and actually turned out really good! Gunstock owners want me to host another in April) and has dominated in both, coming home with lots of Blue ribbons and Championships! So, i am really proud of the horse he has become and that all of the training I put on his is paying off. Next week is my last week teaching lessons until after the baby, so I am looking forward to a little break off work, but I will still be out there bathing and taking care of my horses until the baby comes, I just love it that much.

Danny is just working at the Ranch now. Every other day, 7am to 10am. Then he will go to class. He is such a hard worker, and I am grateful for that. I am still amazed at how much he loves horses too, not to mention how good of a rider he is. When we are at the ranch (or Dan at school and me napping) you could probably guess where we are at. Yup. The beach. It is surf season, so Danny is catching every big wave he can get before the baby comes. I love watching him in his element and doing something he loves. 

Another thing I love, is our bigger apartment we moved into in September. Ahhh, its so big compared to our little Hawaiian shack we used to live in! We actually have a living room and the Baby has his own room too. The only thing is we were put in the apartment building with ALL the kids. Some people have 5 kids (high school age) living in our TVA building! Its crazy. So, as you could imagine it is very noisy...and lots of kids everywhere...and always a baby or two (or three) crying. BUT we love the space and are so grateful for a new place. Not to mention, we have a lot of our couple friends (some that are also expecting) living next door! So we always get together and go to costco and walmart together and do fun things. Halloween was this past week and we all had a  big Halloween party together! Danny and I were a "Ball and Chain" haha (picture below). It is a fun time!

Getting a bigger space worked timed out perfectly with the GUEST we have coming in a month!! My mom, Mama Chamberlin, AND even Big Papa are all coming out to see baby Rowen arrive. We are so thrilled to have them and share such a big moment with them!! Just a few more weeks!!!

I posted some pictures of life that has been happening over the past two months. I also posted a slide show (link) to a little taste of what Danny and I do on our rare days off. This past Saturday was one of them. We woke up, Danny finally decided to cut his hair (he wanted a "dad" look), we went and fed the horses, went to the beach (it is a gorgeous walk to get there, you will see in the slide show), afterward we came home ate lunch, and ended up on the ranch (go figure) Danny was working (on his own time) repairing a broken fence in a new pasture we are moving the horses too for when the baby comes, while I went for a little ride. Then we came home, ate, and watched a movie on the computer on the bed. (we LOVE movies, we have amazon prime, so, we get lucky with some good movies and cant resist). So, that is how a day off goes for us. We are so grateful for everything we have. Life here in Hawaii is so special to us, and we feel so blessed to live here and have everything we have. We couldn't ask for anything better!

                               Savannah and Corey before showing, me wrapping Corey's legs.
                                               My lesson student, Alex, showing Corey
                                                         Corey takes the blue!
                                                       Reserve Champion at Malu Olu Show!
                                                                     Corey and his ribbons
                                           Halloween 2013...Ball and Chain (Dan is a jail bird)

Halloween Party with the Facers
                            Halloween Party Fun! with my friends, Kari and Bethany.
Hawaii Sunset
                                                               Baby Bump on the Beach!

At our friend (and family Hawaiian photographer), Bryce's, Birthday Party

                                            This past Sunday, 35 week picture! Getting closer!

                                            Some of my beginner students bathing Keahi
                                                     Jeep+me+ Rainbow! (at the ranch)
                   Alex Boye concert!! Danny found this GIANT poster outside, took it down (with the help of an elder missionary), and brought it over for Alex Boye to sign ( since we didn't have anything for him to sign, Dan said "I will be right back, and comes back with this!) It was such a fun date night and concert! Now we have this awesome huge poster hanging in our living room! haha
                                               My handsome hubby with his long hair, at church (before he cut it)
                                                               Corey and I
                                                       Danny at work, working the Gunstock Haunted Hayride (those were fun nights, I loved I could go to work with him and sip on hot chocolate and just hang out with him, It was a pretty easy job)

                                                                   Me and  My best Friend.

                                                   CLICK LINK BELOW FOR SLIDESHOW
                                                                "A Day Off' Slide Show

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wow! I feel like I haven't made a new post in forever, because it has been forever! Things have been so busy around here on this little island! We have been working at our jobs, Danny at his new job taking people on segway tours at Turtle Bay Resort, and me, giving  horse back riding lessons as Gunstock Ranch. We are so blessed so with our jobs, and so lucky to have good ones we enjoy! We still have our little and beloved horse, Corey. In the beginning of the summer we took him to a jumper show  to see how he would perform. The goal at the shows is to see how fast the horse and rider can complete the course of jumps and how clear they can go, meaning not knocking any jumps down. Corey won all three of his classes with flying colors (beating the second place winners time by half) and we came home with all blues and champion! We were so excited. It was an awesome experience and I was so proud, not just of the horse, but myself as well bringing him to that point. He start just as a normal trail horse and has become something much greater than that. He has opened a lot of doors for us and we are grateful for the opportunity to have been able to work with such a great horse! Summer has flown by. It is crazy! We were able to make it home to visit California in May so I could get my horse riding instructor certification, that was a good little getaway, and then Danny's family came out to visit in June, and that was a blast! We also found out some other exciting news that is pretty big. We are expecting a little BOY! We found out were were expecting on April 8th of this year. After taking a test, We were very shocked, but excited. He will be here December 6th. I am already 25 weeks (I told you, time flies) and we feel him kicking and moving all around. I even felt him hiccup the other day. Its such a neat thing. Danny is so excited to be a father, and a great one he will be! We are going home to South Carolina and California in a week to visit family before he comes! It will be so nice to see family and to have a little "getaway" from the island, as much as we love it, it does get a little tight. We also move into our new two bedroom apartment at Temple View Apartments this weekend before our trip. I have LOVED our first little Hawaiian shack. It has done as well and we have made many sweet memories in it, but we are ready for a little bit more room, especially with this baby boy on the way! We will be there at least until Danny graduates with his Business Degree in April. We also are happy to say that we got a new ride. The blue car is still with us, we call it our "beach and barn car". But we needed something a little more reliable and safe for the baby, and something that can actually make it to my semi-monthly doctors appointment. We got a 2011 Jeep Liberty. It is so nice and having AC, especially being pregnant is such a luxury out here, and we pulled Corey to horse shows with it, so that s a plus too! Its a perfect little family car. We have also been pretty busy with our calling at CTR 4 primary teachers. Danny and I teach a class of ten four year olds in our Kahuku 1st ward. It is a fun calling, but a lot of work! We love it though and will miss them when we move. As busy as life is, it is beautiful. We are so blessed and have been given to much. Life is just beginning and it gets better every day! Here are some pictures to catch everything up! I will be making it a priority to write more! 
- Emily
                                                                                 Corey Jumping Away ...

                                                                                  Floating in the sea...
                                                                       Having Fun visiting Cali, Luke and Uncle Danny....
                                                                               Family Portrait!...
                                                                        YAY! I am a certified riding instructor...
                                                                 My CHA certification group...
                                                     Taking the horses to the ocean, Corey and I ... and Dan and Buster...
                                                                                   Life in Paradise...
                                                                                 Our sweet little primary class...
                                                                     Helicopter ride...SO fun!
                                                                          First horse show with Corey February 2013...
                                                                  Second Horse Show with Corey March 2013....
                                                                  Third horse show with Corey, May 2013...Champs!

                                          And Finally- BABY BOY! Here are some ultrasound pictures of our cute little one...

                                                                                         Me at 24 Weeks